Who We Are

The International Association of Conference Interpreters (the acronym AIIC comes from the French name: Association Internationale des Interprètes de Conférence) is the only global association of conference interpreters.

We represent over 3000 conference interpreters in more than 100 countries, with members working in 89 different spoken and signed languages.

AIIC is run by its members. Here are just a few of the things that we do to support our colleagues:

Our Mission

AIIC’s mission is to promote and protect the interests and well-being of our members and to negotiate safe and decent working conditions for professional conference interpreters worldwide.

The History of the International Association of Conference Interpreters


The Nuremberg Trials begin. Simultaneous interpreting is used extensively for the first time.


André Kaminker, chief interpreter at the Council of Europe, Hans Jacob, chief interpreter at UNESCO and Constantin Andronikof, head of meetings at the OEEC (now the OECD), meet in Paris and agree to set up a professional association to define working conditions and professional standards for conference interpreters.


The International Association of Conference Interpreters (AIIC) is founded with 35 members.


The first Basic Texts (Statues, Assembly Rules of Procedure, and Code of Ethics) are published.


AIIC opens its first office in Paris.

Members spontaneously donate money to help a colleague who is unable to work following an accident. After recovering, she uses the money to create the Solidarity Fund to offer financial support to other members in the future.


The criteria for assessing interpreting schools for entry in AIIC's Schools Directory are adopted.


The first 5-year agreements are signed by AIIC with the United Nations, Coordinated Organisations and the European Union.


The administrative headquarters of the Association move from Paris to Geneva.


2 sectors are created - The Agreement Sector and the Private Market Sector - to better represent members based on where they work.


The AIIC Sign Language Network is established at the Nice Assembly.


The first 1 Trial, 4 Languages exhibition created by AIIC members in Germany and dedicated to the interpreters who worked at the Nuremberg Trials, takes place in Nuremberg.

AIIC publishes ‘Birth of a Profession’, a book exploring the beginnings of simultaneous interpretation and the foundation of AIIC.


Members vote to include Distance Interpreting in the Basic Texts.


AIIC turns 70. Today AIIC represents more than 3000 professional conference interpreters in over 100 countries.


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