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AIIC Statutes



The AIIC Statues govern how the Association is run.

The current Statues were amended by the 38th AIIC Assembly, in January 2022.

Table of Contents


I. Name – Headquarters – Duration – Purpose

Article 1: Name

The International Association of Conference Interpreters (AIIC) is an Association set up in accordance with the French Law of 1 July 1901.


Article 2: Headquarters

The headquarters of the Association shall be in Paris. The Secretariat, which shall assist the Association in its internal administration, shall be established in a place to be decided by the Assembly.


Article 3: Duration

The Association shall be set up for an indefinite period.


Article 4: Purpose

The purpose of the Association shall be to define and represent the profession of conference interpreter, to improve it, especially by encouraging training, continuing professional development and research, to safeguard the interests of its members and to serve international co-operation by demanding high professional standards of them.


It shall promote a spirit of collegiality amongst its members.


To this end it shall adopt a procedure for the admission and language classification of its members. It shall also adopt a Code of Professional Ethics and ensure that it is respected.


The Association shall, moreover, be empowered to fulfil its trade union duties by negotiating (collective) agreements with employers in the national or international public sector or non-governmental organisations, covering, in particular, conference interpreters' working conditions, remuneration, team strength and social security.


II. Membership

Article 5: Composition

The Association shall consist of active, associate and honorary members.


It shall include candidates.


The Association shall keep a list of its members and may publish it in the appropriate form or forms.


Article 6: Active Members

Active membership shall be open to any member who actually practises the profession of conference interpreter.


Article 7: Associate Members

Associate membership shall be open to any member who practises or has practised the profession as a principal or subsidiary occupation but does not work more than twenty days a year as a conference interpreter.


Article 8: Candidates

Anyone who practises the profession of conference interpreter and who has, without exception, observed the Association's Code of Professional Ethics and its other rules and regulations for at least one hundred fifty working days may become a candidate.


The details, especially those regarding sponsorship, shall be established in the Regulation Governing Admissions and Language Classification.


The Association shall keep a list of registered pre- candidates who have not yet completed the period of one hundred fifty days referred to in the preceding paragraph.


The details shall be established in the Regulation Governing Admissions and Language Classification.


Article 9: Changes in Status

Any active member who wishes to become an associate member shall apply in writing to the Committee on Admissions and Language Classification, stating their reasons.


Any member applying for a change in status to that of associate member must enter into a commitment not to work for more than twenty days a year.


Any associate member who wishes to become an active member shall inform the secretariat.


Article 10: Conditions for Admission

Before they may become members of the Association, conference interpreters shall enter into a commitment to respect the Statutes, the Code of Professional Ethics and all of the Association's other rules and regulations as well as the other rules of the profession.


All members shall be bound to pay the appropriate dues within the set time limit, including compulsory national/regional dues, where applicable.


Article 11: Admission Procedure

Any conference interpreter who, for a period of at least one hundred fifty working days without exception, has been practicing the profession, observing the Association's Code of Professional Ethics and all its other rules and regulations as well as the other rules of the profession, may submit an application to become a candidate with a view to becoming an active or associate member.


All candidate applications shall be submitted in writing to the Committee on Admissions and Language Classification, which shall take a decision, subject to an appeal to the Executive Committee.


Any interpreter who has been practicing the profession for less than one hundred fifty days under the conditions provided for in paragraph 1 above shall only be able to apply for registration on the list of pre- candidates with a view to becoming a candidate.


Article 12: Resignation

Any member wishing to resign from the Association shall inform the secretariat in writing. The secretariat shall send an acknowledgement.


Membership shall cease forthwith.


Any member resigning shall, nonetheless, remain liable to meet all her or his commitments towards the Association.


Resignation shall not prevent disciplinary proceedings arising out of any earlier occurrence.


Article 13: Suspension

Any member who fails to pay the established dues within eight months of the commencement of the financial year shall be automatically suspended and struck off the Association's list of members.


The period of suspension shall cease and the member shall be included on the list of members again once all arrears of dues have been paid.


Suspension may also be imposed as a penalty in disciplinary proceedings.


Suspended members shall not be dispensed from respecting the rules of the Association, especially that of paying their dues.


Suspension leads to the member being stripped of all rights and privileges, particularly voting rights and eligibility to belong to any of the Association's bodies, for its entire duration.


The suspended member shall be struck off the Association's list of members.


Any elected officer of the Association who has been suspended shall automatically be dismissed and replaced in accordance with the form of election provided for in the Statutes.


At the end of the period of suspension the member shall be included on the list of members again. However, if he/she was an elected officer, he/she could only take up those duties again after a new ordinary election had been held.


Article 14: Expulsion

The following shall lose their membership in the Association:


  • any member who no longer satisfies the conditions laid down in articles 6 and 7;
  • any member who is two years in arrears with the payment of dues. These members will automatically lose their membership in the Association, without right of appeal;
  • any member who is expelled as a result of disciplinary proceedings.


The Disciplinary and Disputes Committee takes a decision on the expulsion of a member once that member has had the opportunity to state her or his case orally or in writing.


Within a period of ninety days following written notification of expulsion, the member concerned shall have the right to appeal to the Assembly against the decision. To do so, the appellant shall send the Secretariat by registered letter a statement of appeal and a written submission setting out the reasons for the appeal and supporting arguments.


The right to appeal has suspensive effect. However, its beneficiary is considered to have been suspended until such time as the Assembly reaches its decision.


Any former member wishing to join the Association again shall submit a full application for membership.


Any member expelled for disciplinary reasons shall not be entitled to apply for membership again within a period of five years from the date on which the expulsion took effect.


Article 15: Honorary Members

The Assembly may confer honorary membership on members who have rendered valuable services to the Association.


Article 16: Honorary Presidents

The Assembly may bestow the title of Honorary President upon any former President who has rendered valuable services to the Association.


III. Statutory bodies



Article 17: Composition

The supreme statutory body of the Association shall be the Assembly.


It shall comprise all members of the Association.


Article 18: Functions

a). Other than in the case of vacant posts to be filled by means of a remote election under articles 22/30/32/34, or at an Extraordinary Assembly pursuant to article 22.2 below, the following functions shall be the exclusive competence of the Ordinary Assembly:


  • to approve the records of Assembly proceedings,
  • to elect the President, the Treasurer and the other members of the Executive Committee,
  • to elect the Budget Committee, the Committee on Admissions and Language Classification and the Disciplinary and Disputes Committee,
  • to approve the financial framework and the accounts, to give discharge to the Treasurer and take note of the Executive Committee’s and the Treasurer's management reports, the reports of the Advisory Board, the Budget Committee, of the Committee on Admissions and Language Classification and of the Disciplinary and Disputes Committee;
  • to establish the dues to be paid annually by each category of member,
  • to elect Honorary Presidents and confer honorary membership.


b) The following functions shall be the competence of either the Ordinary or the Extraordinary Assembly:


  • to define the Association's general policy,
  • to adopt and amend the Statutes, its own Rules of Procedure, the Code of Professional Ethics, the Professional Standards, the Regulation governing Admissions and Language Classification and the Staff Interpreters' Charter,
  • to adjudicate on appeals against: expulsion,
  • Executive Committee decisions regarding the rules of procedure of a region or sector,
  • to remove elected officers from office, without prejudice to any automatic dismissal by virtue of article 13 of the present Statutes and of article 2 of the Regulation Governing Admissions and Language Classification,
  • to carry out elections as stipulated under article 22.2 below.


Article 19: Convening the Assembly

The Ordinary Assembly shall be convened once every three years. The Executive Committee shall notify the members at least five months before the scheduled date, informing them of the preliminary draft agenda.


The Extraordinary Assembly shall meet either if convened by the Executive Committee, or if so decided by the Assembly or at the request of one-third of the active members, who shall send their request in writing to the secretariat, together with an agenda.


Article 20: Validity of Deliberations and Quorum

Rules regarding quorum for deliberations and decisions are set in the Rules of Procedure for the Assembly.


Article 21: Right to Vote and Participation

Each active member shall have one vote.


Members of all other categories shall have the right to speak but not to vote.


Candidates and pre-candidates may attend the Assembly in compliance with the conditions established in its Rules of Procedure.


The Ordinary or Extraordinary Assembly shall, as a rule, meet in person.


However, at the Executive Committee’s initiative, the Assembly may meet partially or exclusively in virtual mode in accordance with conditions set out in the Rules of Procedure, providing for the identification and effective participation of members and the continuous and simultaneous streaming of deliberations.


An Assembly that was planned to be held in person may ultimately be held in virtual mode and vice versa, provided that members are informed by whatever means and that the exercise of all their rights is ensured (right to vote and representation in particular).


The Assembly shall as a rule vote by show of hands according to the conditions set out in the Rules of Procedure.


However, at the Executive Committee’s initiative, voting may also be conducted by correspondence under the conditions laid down by the Rules of Procedure.


Proxy voting shall be permitted, including for meetings held in virtual mode, according to the conditions laid down by the Rules of Procedure.


At the Executive Committee’s initiative, decisions falling to the Ordinary or Extraordinary Assembly may also be taken through written consultation, according to the conditions laid down by the Rules of Procedure.



Article 22: Composition

1. The Executive Committee shall comprise the President, the Treasurer and 5 Vice-Presidents, all elected by the Assembly.

A member of the Executive Committee may not be a member of the Advisory Board or of an Assembly committee.

Applicants for an Executive Committee position must have been active members of the Association for at least five years at the time of the election.


2. In the event of resignation, permanent incapacity or the death of the President, the Executive Committee shall appoint a replacement from among the 5 Vice- Presidents until the next ordinary Assembly.

Nevertheless, if at the time the post of President falls vacant for any of the reasons indicated above, one or several other posts in the Executive Committee are also vacant, or if the post of President remains vacant because no candidate obtained the absolute majority during the elections, a remote electronic vote shall be organised within 90 days or, failing that, an Extraordinary Assembly shall be convened, also within 90 days.


3. If one of the posts for Vice-President falls vacant, the Executive Committee shall appoint a replacement until the next ordinary Assembly.

Nevertheless, if less than half of the posts provided for in the Executive Committee are filled during the elections, a remote electronic vote shall be organised within 90 days.


4. If the post of Treasurer falls vacant, the Executive Committee shall appoint a replacement on the recommendation of the Budget Committee.

Nevertheless, if less than half of the posts provided for in the Executive Committee are filled during the elections, a remote electronic vote shall be organised within 90 days.


5. In all cases where a post falls vacant, the remaining members of the Executive Committee shall continue to deal with current business until such time as the post or posts are filled.


6. A representative of the Budget Committee and of sector delegations shall be invited to attend the meetings of the Executive Committee for points on the agenda that refer to their area of responsibility. Representatives of any other body may be invited.


Article 23: Functions

1. The Executive Committee administers and represents the Association between Assemblies and takes the steps necessary to fulfil the Purpose of the Association as set out in these Statutes and as decided by the Assembly.

To this end it shall meet at least twice per year either when convened by the President or at the request of at least three of its members.

One of these meetings should be held at the same time as the meeting of the Advisory Board, with which it may hold joint meetings.


2. It is accountable to the Assembly; it implements the Assembly’s decisions and is the ultimate authority between Assemblies.


3. It decides on all policy, financial and administrative matters that are not the sole responsibility of another body (for example Assembly, Disciplinary and Disputes Committee, Admissions and Language Classification Committee, Budget Committee).


4. It shall adopt its own Rules of Procedure, paying particular attention to the need for transparency in the governance of the Association.


5. It shall convene the Assembly, report to it on its management and make proposals to it as needed.


6. It may propose to the Assembly changes to the Statutes, Code of Professional Ethics or other Association Regulations that are within the Assembly’s exclusive jurisdiction.


7. It shall establish the financial framework for submission to the Assembly and shall adopt the annual budget, after consulting the Advisory Board.


8. It shall consult the Advisory Board on all matters for which it requires further information and advice, always clearly stating the focus and purpose of the consultation, and act upon such advice. The Executive Committee shall also consider unprompted advice offered by the Advisory Board. Should the Executive Committee decide not to follow the advice of the Advisory Board, it shall explain the reasons for the decision.


9. It shall approve, taking due account of the opinion of the appropriate sector, the membership and mandate of the negotiating delegations, and the agreements they negotiate.


It shall approve the membership of the professional delegations on the basis of a proposal from the negotiating delegation of the appropriate sector.


10. It shall approve the Rules of Procedure of the regions and sectors, the statutory texts and rules of national/regional entities, as well as the rules of procedure and the mandate of any group or committee it establishes.


11. It may make proposals to other Association bodies.


12. It shall represent the Association to the outside world and in disputes involving the Association.


13. It adjudicates appeals against decisions of the Admissions and Language Classification Committee and the Consultant Interpreters’ Standing Committee.


14. It shall report to members regularly and clearly on its activities and decisions.


15. It shall conduct an open debate with the membership before any important decision is taken.


Article 24: Term of Office

The term of office of members of the Executive Committee shall run from one ordinary Assembly to the next.


Members of the Executive Committee may be re- elected for one term.



Article 25

In addition to his or her duties as a member of the Executive Committee, the President:


1. Shall lead and coordinate the activities of the Executive Committee and the Association as a whole.

He/she shall have a casting vote if necessary;


2. Shall maintain close links with the Executive Secretary and the Advisory Board;


3. Shall be the Association’s main representative in dealings outside the Association and in the event of any dispute involving the Association; however he/she shall share these tasks with the Vice-Presidents, taking account of their particular skills and their geographical proximity to an event;


4. Shall regularly update members on his/her activities, and ensure that the information given to members, particularly that pertaining to important decisions, meets the requirements of good governance in that it is clear and impartial.




Article 26: Composition and Meetings 

The Board shall comprise a representative of each of the regions, of the Standing Committee of the Private Market Sector, the Staff Interpreters’ Committee, the Standing Committee of the Agreement Sectors (that represents all sectoral delegations), the Consultant Interpreters’ Standing Committee as well as other standing or semi-standing AIIC bodies (committees, networks...).


Furthermore working or project groups shall be represented as required, as proposed by the Executive Committee or at the invitation of the Advisory Board. Assembly committees shall not be represented on the Advisory Board.


Members of the Advisory Board may not be members of the Executive Committee or of an Assembly committee.


Regions or bodies shall elect or appoint their representative and shall establish the arrangements for said election or appointment, as well as the length of the term of office, in their Rules of Procedure.


The Advisory Board shall hold one regular meeting per year, as well as one coordination meeting immediately after Assembly.


Article 27: Functions

The Advisory Board shall advise and coordinate.


1. It shall provide assistance and advice to the Executive Committee to help it perform its duties, in particular when it prepares the Association’s budget, adjusts annual budgets or proposes major policy decisions to the Assembly;


2. It shall act as a forum for communication and coordination between its constituent members;


3. It shall adopt its own Rules of Procedure;


4. It shall elect a Chair for each session and a Steering Committee charged with coordinating its work between sessions;


5. It shall mediate, channel and encourage open debate within and outside AIIC in pursuance of the Association’s objectives, taking into account the general guidelines received from the Assembly, issues raised by the Executive Committee, market trends and proposals from its constituents;


6. It shall propose to its constituents activities, research, surveys and projects etc. and shall coordinate the Association’s general “programme of activities”, taking into account any priorities set by the Assembly or the Executive Committee;


7. It shall make proposals on key activities and their funding to the Executive Committee, to which it shall regularly submit a picture of the Association’s activities and areas that require attention, to help the Executive Committee take budgetary decisions;


8. It shall provide the Executive Committee and members with regular updates on its activities.


Article 28: Term of Office

The term of office of members of the Advisory Board is not strictly laid down but the constituent bodies shall ensure that no representative remains in office for a period exceeding six consecutive years and, to the extent possible, should encourage a turnover of representatives so the greatest number of members can gain international experience within AIIC.



Article 29

The Executive Secretary is a paid officer of the Association.


The duties of the Executive Secretary are, inter alia:


1. To recruit staff and run the Secretariat;


2. To organise and facilitate the meetings of the Executive Committee and the Advisory Board and, as required, of Assembly committees;


3. To help implement the decisions of the Assembly, Executive Committee, the Advisory Board and the Assembly committees;


4. To advise the Association’s bodies on matters of procedure and precedent, by ensuring that records are duly archived and easily retrievable for consultation and that the governing bodies are informed as the need arises.



Article 30: Composition

The Budget Committee shall consist of five active members of the Association, who shall not be members of the Executive Committee, the Advisory Board or another Assembly committee.


Its term of office shall be from one ordinary Assembly to the next.


They shall be elected by the Assembly. They may be re-elected.


A member will be automatically removed from office for repeated absence from meetings, as stipulated in the rules of procedure.


Should a position on the Committee fall vacant, the Committee may appoint a replacement until the next ordinary Assembly.


An exception may occasionally be made to this rule, especially where the position falls vacant shortly before the Assembly.


Nevertheless, if less than half of the posts provided for on the Committee are filled during elections, a remote electronic vote shall be organised within 90 days.



Article 31: Functions

The Budget Committee shall ensure compliance with the Financial Regulations.


Its functions shall, in particular, be the following:


1. to submit to the Executive Committee, on the recommendation of the Treasurer, the draft multi- annual financial framework and the draft annual budget;


2. to report to the Assembly;


3. to proceed with any audit or examine such financial matters as may be submitted to it by the Assembly or the Executive Committee or raised on its own initiative.


The Budget Committee shall adopt its own rules of procedure, paying particular attention to the need for transparency in the governance of the Association. This text is made available to members.


G. Committee on Admissions and Language Classification

Article 32: Composition

The Committee on Admissions and Language Classification shall comprise seven active members, who shall not be members of the Executive Committee, the Advisory Board or another Assembly committee.


Its term of office shall be from one ordinary Assembly to the next.


They shall be elected by the Assembly. They may be re-elected.


Only active members who have been members of the Association for at least five years may run for CACL.


If a vacancy occurs in the Committee, it may appoint a replacement until the subsequent ordinary Assembly. An exception may occasionally be made to this rule, especially where the position falls vacant shortly before the Assembly.


Nevertheless, if less than half of the posts provided for on the Committee are filled during elections, a remote electronic vote shall be organised within 90 days.


The Committee may only deliberate if a majority of its members is present.


Article 33: Functions

The Committee shall have the following functions:


1. to apply the Regulation Governing Admissions and Language Classification, to submit proposals for amending it to the Assembly and to submit its report;


2. to examine applications for admission and for changes in language classification.


The Committee shall take a decision on the application and authorise publication of the relevant lists, without prejudice to any automatic admission by virtue of article 17 of the Regulation Governing Admissions and Language Classification.


It may grant waivers where justified by particular circumstances;


3. to examine challenges. The Committee rules on the admissibility and, after an enquiry, on the merit of the challenges;


4. to strike from the appropriate list the name of any candidate or pre-candidate who has infringed the Association's rules;


5. to decide on requests for changes in membership status as provided for in Article 9;


6. to draft, and when appropriate, amend its Rules of Procedure.



H. Disciplinary and Disputes Committee

Article 34: Membership

The Disciplinary and Disputes Committee shall comprise nine active or associate members who have been, preferably, members of the Council before 2015, of the Executive Committee or of an Assembly committee. Its term shall be from one ordinary Assembly to the next.


Members of the Committee shall be elected by the Assembly. They may be re-elected.


For the duration of their term they may not be members of the Executive Committee, the Advisory Board or another Assembly committee.


If a vacancy occurs in the Committee, it shall appoint a replacement until the subsequent ordinary Assembly. Should a position on the Committee fall vacant, the Committee shall appoint a replacement until the next ordinary Assembly. An exception may occasionally be made to this rule, especially where the position falls vacant shortly before the Assembly.


Nevertheless, if less than half of the posts provided for on the Committee are filled during elections, a remote electronic vote shall be organised within 90 days.


The quorum required for deliberation and decisions is five members.


Article 35: Functions

1. The Disciplinary and Disputes Committee shall rule on any alleged violation by one or several members or bodies of the Association of the Statutes, Code of Professional Ethics or any other current Regulation, and on any disputes between members, candidates, pre-candidates and/or bodies of the Association.


It may not deal with issues that are commercial in nature, or those involving itself or the Assembly as bodies of the Association.


The Committee shall act on the basis of a complaint received.


However it may begin disciplinary proceedings of its own volition if, whilst investigating a case submitted to it, it concludes the Association's regulations have been breached.


2. The Committee may apply the following sanctions:

a. warning
b. reprimand
c. suspension for a minimum of one year and a maximum of three years
d. expulsion


3. The Disciplinary and Disputes Committee shall draft its rules of procedure and institute a procedure for examining cases submitted to it, in line with the provisions of these Statutes and the Rules of Procedure of the Assembly.


These texts are made available to members.


4. It shall report to the Assembly.


I. Non-remuneration and powers of representation

Article 36: Non-remuneration

The members of the Executive Committee, Advisory Board and the Assembly committees shall not receive any remuneration.


However, travel costs and certain other expenses shall be refunded to those concerned in accordance with procedures established by the Executive Committee and the Budget Committee, and the provisions of the Financial Regulations.


Article 37: Signatures

The Association shall be bound by the joint signature of three members of the Executive Committee, including that of the President, with the exceptions provided for in the texts.


IV. Regions

Article 38: Composition

The members of the Association may form regions.


Any country or group of countries having at least twenty-five members may form a region, provided that at least two-thirds of the members who have their professional address in the proposed region agree.


A region loses its status as a region when the number of its members is less than 15.


Two regions may not be formed in the same country. Any member whose professional address is in a given region is a member of that region and may not be a member of another region.


Regions may constitute themselves in the form of separate legal entities.


Those regions made up of several countries may create a national legal entity for any of those countries.


Every member of the Association having her or his professional address in a region or country will become a member of the regional or national legal entity with its coming into existence, new members with their admission to the Association.


Article 39: Functions

The regions shall submit their Rules of Procedure, which must be in conformity with these Statutes and other Association rules and regulations, for approval by the Executive Committee.


Any decision taken in this regard by the Executive Committee may be the subject of an appeal by the region(s) concerned to the Assembly, which must be submitted within one-hundred-and-twenty days of notification of the decision.


The Executive Committee’s decision shall apply pending the outcome of the appeal.


Regions shall elect as their member of the Advisory Board someone with their professional address within said region, unless the region decides otherwise.


If the post of a member of the Advisory Board representing a region becomes vacant, the region that he/she represents shall elect a replacement.


The same applies if the representative changes his professional address to outside the region, unless the region decides otherwise.


The regions shall decide on the arrangements for elections and the duration of the terms of office in their own Rules of Procedure.


A regular turnover of regional representatives is desirable, as it will encourage wider participation among members.


Terms of office may not exceed six consecutive years. Before each ordinary meeting of the Assembly of the Association, each region shall hold a preparatory regional meeting, which shall be called a statutory meeting.


At these meetings each region shall elect their Regional Secretary, Regional Treasurer and, if necessary, their representative on the Advisory Board.


The regions may express their views on the questions on the Assembly's agenda.


National/regional entities shall submit their statutory texts and rules to the Executive Committee for approval.


Such texts must be compatible with the Statutes and other rules of the Association.


The Executive Committee may however grant duly motivated exemptions.


Article 40: Regional Bureau

The Regional Bureau shall comprise at least the member of the Advisory Board representing that region, as well as the Regional Secretary and Regional Treasurer.


V. Sectors 

Article 41: Composition

Members who have professional interests in common may form sectors.


Article 42: Functions

The sectors shall submit their Rules of Procedure, which must be in conformity with the Association's Statutes and rules and regulations, for approval by the Executive Committee.


Any decision taken by the Executive Committee may be the subject of an appeal to the Assembly by the sector concerned. This must be submitted within one hundred-and-twenty days of notification of the decision.


The Executive Committee’s decision shall apply pending the outcome of the appeal.


The sectors shall propose a delegation for the Executive Committee to approve.


This delegation shall be responsible for ensuring liaison between the sector concerned and the Executive Committee and, with the latter’s approval, for representing the sector vis-à-vis third parties.


The delegation’s mandate must also be approved by the Executive Committee.


VI. Resources – Financial year

Article 43: Financial Resources

The Association's resources shall be the following:

1. Annual membership dues;
2. “Dons manuels”, as provided for in the applicable laws and regulations.


Article 44: Financial Year

The financial year shall begin on 1 February and end on 31 January.


VII. Dissolution

Article 45: Dissolution

The dissolution may only be decided at an Extraordinary Assembly convened for that purpose thirty days beforehand with three-quarters of the active members present and represented.


If this quorum is not attained at this first Assembly, a second Assembly shall be convened within a period of thirty days.


The Assembly's decisions shall then be valid regardless of the number of active members present or represented.


The decision to dissolve the Association shall require a two-thirds majority of votes cast.


Article 46: Liquidation of Assets

The Assembly shall decide on the disposal of the Association's remaining assets.


VIII. Application 

Article 47

The provisions of these Statutes and the other basic texts of the Association only apply in so far as they do not infringe the laws in force.


The provisions of these Statutes and other basic texts of the Association only apply insofar as, in the considered judgement of the competent governing body, a duly acknowledged act of god/ force majeure does not render their application impossible or excessively dangerous or onerous.


Members shall be duly informed of any decision taken in this respect and its implications. At the first possible statutory occasion, said decision shall be submitted for ratification.


IX. Amendment procedure

Article 48

These Statutes may be amended by a decision of the Assembly taken with a two-thirds majority of votes cast; if appropriate, legal opinion may be sought before the proposals are submitted to the Assembly.



Category: Basic Texts
Date Posted: October 11, 2023