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Job offer checklist for beginners



Job offer checklist

If you receive a job offer, especially from a new contact, make sure you get information about the event and your working conditions

  • The date and venue of the event;
  • The language regime for the event and whether the languages you will be required to work into and out of match your language combination;
  • The subject matter, whether and when meeting documents will be supplied;
  • The name and contact details of the conference organiser;
  • The number of interpreters in the team;
  • The inclusion of experienced colleagues in the team;
  • The interpretation mode (simultaneous, consecutive);
  • Special assignments, like dinner-time consecutive, field trips or other excursions;
  • Whether the booths are ISO-compliant;
  • The detailed conference schedule;
  • Fees and expenses, other allowances, accommodation and travel arrangements;
  • If there is a cancellation clause in the contract;
  • The status of the job offer (enquiry, option, firm offer) and when you can expect the job to be confirmed.


Most of this information should be provided at the time of the initial enquiry, but some, such as the detailed conference schedule, may not be available until closer to the assignment. 

If and when the job offer is confirmed, it is common practice to have an individual contract signed between you and either the consultant interpreter or the conference organiser.





Category: Newcomers
Date Posted: July 04, 2024