1.4.3 Codice deontologico

Code of professional ethics of AIIC Italia

Adaptations and additions based on Law no. 4/2013 and the relevant provisions of the Consumer Protection Code

Article 1
(Purpose and Scope)
1. This Code of Professional Ethics (hereinafter called the "Code") lays down the standards of integrity, professionalism and confidentiality which all members of the International Association of Conference Interpreters in Italy (hereinafter the Association) shall be bound to respect in their work as conference interpreters.
2. Collegio dei Probi Viri shall examine any breach of the rules of the profession as defined in this Code pursuant to articles 21 and 22 of the Regulation.

Article 2
(Duty of confidentiality)
1. Members of the Association shall be bound by the strictest secrecy, which must be observed towards all persons and with regard to all information disclosed in the course of the practice of the profession at any gathering not open to the public.
2. Members shall refrain from deriving any personal gain whatsoever from confidential information they may have acquired in the exercise of their duties as conference interpreters.

Article 3
(Duties of competence and diligence)
1. Members of the Association shall carry out their activity with conscientiousness and diligence, ensuring the quality of their professional services, and shall accept only assignments that are in compliance with their language combinations and competences.
2. Any member of the Association recruiting other conference interpreters, be they members of the Association or not, shall give the same undertaking.

Article 4
(Duties of loyalty, integrity and probity)
1. Members of the Association shall observe duties of loyalty, integrity and probity and shall not accept assignments and not provide their services in situations that may adversely affect human dignity, within the limits established by law.
2. They shall refrain from any act which might bring the profession into disrepute.
3. Members of the Association shall not accept more than one assignment for the same period of time.

Article 5
1. The exercise of the profession is based on principles of independence, autonomy and responsibility.
2. Members of the Association shall only accept working conditions that do not compromise their professional autonomy and compliance with the rules of this code and shall carry out their activities without being subject to any interests, impositions or undue influence of any kind.

Article 6
(Incompatibility and conflict of interest)
Members of the Association shall refrain from accepting assignments resulting in a conflict of interest. Any situations that may constitute a conflict of interest of any kind shall be communicated to the client.

Article 7
(Information on the exercise of professional activity)
1. For any professional purpose, members may publicise the fact that they are conference interpreters and members of the Association, either as individuals or as part of any grouping or region to which they belong.
2. It is permitted to advertise one's professional activity, provided that this takes place in a truthful and not misleading manner and in any case in such a way as not to offend the dignity of the profession.
3. Members of the Association shall refrain from any form of misleading or comparative advertising likely to mislead the client and from declaring untruthful qualifications and professional skills.

Article 9
(Unfair business practices)
It is forbidden for Members of the Association to adopt any misleading, aggressive or atypical business practice as per current legislation.

Article 10
(Relations with clients)
1. Members of the Association shall base their relationship with clients on maximum loyalty and integrity.
2. Members of the Association shall carry out personally the assignment entrusted to them. In case of unavailability or impediment and with the consent of the client, they may entrust it to other colleagues of equivalent professional level.
3. c) Members of the Association shall inform clients about working conditions, mode of interpretation, their information and documentation requirements and any other elements needed for the performance of the assignment. They shall ensure the confidentiality of the documentation received and study it scrupulously. They shall cooperate in general with the client in order to achieve maximum quality. If the methods requested by the customer are such as to compromise the quality of the service, members may refuse the assignment, informing the client.
4. Members of the Association shall require that the assignment be conferred in writing, with a clear indication of the content and scope of the assignment as well as the envisaged contractual fee.
5. This fee must be consistent with the professional assignment, so as to ensure the quality of the service, and shall take account of the skills and competences, qualifications, experience of the interpreter and the necessary preparation.
6. Members of the Association shall refrain from accepting, or proposing conditions and fees constituting unfair competition towards their colleagues.

Article 11
(Relations between colleagues)
1. Members of the Association shall respect the obligation of moral assistance and professional solidarity towards their colleagues. They shall refrain from expressing prejudicial or negative judgments concerning their colleagues and their competence.
2. They shall refrain from any utterance or action prejudicial to the interests of the Association or its members. Members of the Association shall refrain from behaviour constituting unfair competition and from using the information obtained in relation to the clients of other colleagues for their own personal advantage.

Article 12
(Relations with other professional associations)
1. Relations with other associations of interpreters shall be promoted for the purpose of disseminating information and carrying out joint initiatives to enhance the profession.
2. Membership of other Associations is permitted provided that their Statutes and Regulations do not conflict with the provisions of the Statutes, Regulations, the Code of Ethics and Working Conditions of AIIC Italia. It is not allowed to take on official functions in other associations.

Article 13
(Professional development)
Members of the Association shall constantly pursue their professional development, both pertaining to their languages and to their specific fields of work, in compliance with the Professional Development Regulations.

Article 14
(Working conditions)
Members of the Association shall not offer or accept, for themselves or on behalf of other conference interpreters recruited through them, be they members of the Association or not, working conditions in contrast with those established in the Professional Standards.

Article 15
Pursuant to Articles 21 and 22, breaches of the rules of this Code shall entail the following sanctions, commensurate with the breach committed. The disciplinary sanctions are:
a) an informal reminder from the Collegio dei Probi Viri;
b) a formal reminder from the Executive Board;
c) a temporary suspension of the certificate of professional qualification pursuant to Law No. 4 of 14 January 2013, until the CPD requirement has been fulfilled;
d) referral of the complaint from the Executive Board to the AIIC disciplinary bodies.

Article 16
Amendments to the Code of Ethics of AIIC Italia
This Code may be modified by a decision of the Assembly taken with a two-thirds majority of votes cast and, if appropriate, after having sought a legal opinion on the proposals.