Speak your Truth

We asked people like you. They know multilingualism is the key to personal, corporate and institutional growth. What do you want the legacy of your meetings to be?

Our Campaign


With the increase of English-only meetings, there is a profound need to connect with others, to speak our minds and be understood truthfully. It is through interpreting that this connection becomes possible, bridging the gap between individuals and communities, businesses and institutions, and allowing us to share our insights in all their subtle nuances.


Speak Your Truth Campaign.

The International Association of Conference Interpreters (AIIC) has launched a global campaign titled “Speak Your Truth: Empowering Through Interpreting.” This campaign is the culmination of in-depth interviews with people of influence, unveiling the remarkable value of multilingualism and interpreting services of communities, orgnanizations, businesses and sociaties at large.


Why AIIC Launched The Campaign.

AIIC, as a leading force in the world of professional interpreting, is dedicated to shining a light on the essential role of interpreting and its impact on a meaningful connection with the world around us. Through this campaign, we aim to raise awareness for multilingualism as a catalyst for personal, corporate and institutional growth.


We Asked THEM


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Join us in celebrating the transformative power of multilingualism. Together, we speak our truths to empower cultures throgh the unifying force of interpreting.

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