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AIIC Institutional Agreements



AIIC has been negotiating agreements with major institutions for 55 years. 

For more information on the institutions covered by each agreement, consult the Agreement Sector page.

United Nations

Agreement between the United Nations Common System Chief Executives Board for Coordination and the Association internationale des interprètes de conférence regulating the conditions of employment of short-term conference interpreter

European Union

Agreement on working conditions and the pecunary regime for conference interpreting agents (ACIs) recruited by the institutions of the European Union (EN)

Convention fixant les conditions de travail et le regime pécuniaire des agents interprètes de conference recrutes par les institutions de l'Union européenne (FR)

Co-ordinated Sector

Agreement governing the employment conditions of conference interpreters paid by the day between the International Association of Conference Interpreters and the Co-ordinated Organisations (EN) with supplementary notes

Accord régissant les conditions d'emploi des interprètes de conférence rémunérés à la journée entre l’Association Internationale des Interprètes de Conférence et les Organisations Coordonnées (FR)

Transitional Agreement between the International Association of Conference Interpreters and the European Space Agency regarding the conditions for distal and virtual Remote Simultaneous Interpreting (RSI) at ESA

World Customs Organization

Agreement AIIC - World Customs Organization

2023 Amendment to the AIIC-WCO agreement governing the conditions of employment of freelance conference interpreters

Rider to the 2023 Amendment to the AIIC-WCO agreement governing the conditions of employment of freelance conference interpreters

Global Union Federation 

Agreement governing conditions of work for freelance interpreters remunerated on a daily basis



Date Posted: June 24, 2024