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Asia Pacific


Asia-Pacific is one of the largest regions in AIIC, covering 17 countries ranging from Azerbaijan and India to New Zealand and Nouméa.

There are many different interpreting markets in this, the world’s fastest growing region, with a strong demand for interpretation between different Asian languages, and between Asian and Western languages. Many international organisations, federations and NGOs regularly hold multilingual events in Asia-Pacific, requiring interpretation in their official languages and in those of the host country. 

Asia-Pacific is home to various international organisations that rely extensively on conference interpreters. These include organisations within the United Nations system, such as UNESCAP in Bangkok, UNAKRT / Khmer Rouge Tribunal in Phnom Penh, and the World Health Organization’s Regional Office in Manila. AIIC interpreters also work regularly for regional organisations like the Secretariat of the Pacific Community in Nouméa. 

Corporate clients, international NGOs, sports federations, trade unions and countless other conveners meet regularly in the region.