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AI-powered interpreting   

Saturday, Saturday, September 21, 2024, September 21, 2024 | 09:30 Am, 02:30 Pm -  Saturday, Saturday, September 21, 2024, September 21, 2024 | 01:00 Pm, 06:00 Pm
Organiser : ATPD,
Type: Training
Location : Barcelona Barcelona   ES 


*AIIC members must be logged in to enjoy the discount.

Date/time: 21 September 2024

Fees: CHF 75.- for members, CHF 95.- for non-members

Participants: 20 max

About the training

Will artificial intelligence (AI) be the end of interpreting, or another tool to help us work better? Join us for this hands-on workshop and explore the ins and outs of artificial intelligence in interpreting.

After this session, you’ll know how to:

● Automatically extract terminology from monolingual and parallel documents
● Quickly prepare a glossary using artificial intelligence
● Research your assignment using AI-powered chatbots
● Assess confidentiality risks and decide which AI tool to use, when

We’ll also discuss the pros and cons of AI for interpreting, and what “machine interpreting” means for the future of our profession.


About the trainer

Josh Goldsmith is a UN- and EU-accredited translator and interpreter and AIIC member working from Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Catalan into English. He splits his time between interpreting, translating, and working as a trainer and researcher focusing on the intersection between interpreting, technology and education. As Founder and Geek-In-Chief at techforword, Josh shares tips about technology, translation and interpreting in conferences and workshops, academic articles, the Innovation in Translation and Innovation in Interpreting Summits, and at techforword insiders, the premiere online community for tech-savvy language professionals. 

If you require any specific accommodations to attend this training, please fill out our accessibility accommodation request form. A member of ATPD will then contact you to discuss the details of your request. While we cannot guarantee that the requested accommodation will be provided, we will work together with you to find a solution that will help you participate in the event.



