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Online Workshop – Managing Vicarious Trauma/Retraumatization in Interpreters   

Friday, Friday, October 04, 2024, October 04, 2024 | 03:00 Pm, 03:00 Pm -  Saturday, Saturday, October 05, 2024, October 05, 2024 | 06:00 Pm, 06:00 Pm
Organiser :
Type: Training
Location : Online Online   CH 


*AIIC members must be logged in to enjoy the discount.

Practical details

Dates: Friday October 4th and Saturday October 5th 2024
Time: 15:00-18:00 CET (total of 6 hours)
Location: online
Group size: Minimum 8, maximum 16
Registration deadline: 22nd September 2024


AIIC members, candidates and pre-candidates: 150 CHF/ EUR
Non-members: 200 CHF/ EUR 

About the workshop

This 6-hour workshop focuses on vicarious trauma and retraumatization in interpreters, concepts that will be explained using both theoretical and practical examples drawn from real-life experiences of interpreters working for the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) and in the field of community interpreting. By the end of the workshop, participants will have a better understanding of the causes of vicarious trauma and retraumatization in interpreters, the risks inherent to the profession, and the potential consequences on physical and mental well-being. The trainers will also explore methods and strategies aimed at incorporating the topic of vicarious trauma into interpreter training and professional development.

Target audience

1) Community or conference interpreters who work with individuals or populations affected by trauma, and who might themselves have a history of trauma that could affect their work as interpreters.

2) Interpreter trainers who want to incorporate the topic of vicarious trauma into their training.

About the trainers

AIIC associate member Carmen Delgado Luchner is a trained interpreter and interpreter trainer. She completed her Doctorate at the University of Geneva in 2015 and has been training humanitarian and community interpreters since 2010. Her research and training has
focused on challenges related to the interpreter's role, such as ethical dilemmas, emotional distance and the risks of vicarious trauma or retraumatization for interpreters. She is currently Director of the Language Centre at the University of Fribourg.

AIIC member Justine Ndongo-Keller is a trained interpreter, interpreter trainer and coordinator of the Africa AIIC Training Group. She completed her PhD at ÉSIT Paris III, Sorbonne Nouvelle in 1980, and has been training interpreters since 1996. She was Deputy- Director in charge of studies of ASTI Buea, in Cameroon, and Head of the Interpretation Services of the National Assembly of Cameroon in 1995. She worked as Translator-Interpreter/Head of UNICTR Language Services Section Training Unit/Chief of the Language Services Section at the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), from 1996 to 2013. She was a Senior Lecturer at the Centre for Translation and Interpretation of the University of Nairobi, Kenya, from 2013 to 2019.

Her research and training focuses on challenges related to interpreting in general, and to community interpretation and vicarious trauma in particular, in interpreters in criminal settings and conflict zones. She currently works as a freelance interpreter based in Nairobi, Kenya.

If you require any specific accommodations to attend this training, please fill out our accessibility accommodation request form. A member of ATPD will then contact you to discuss the details of your request. While we cannot guarantee that the requested accommodation will be provided, we will work together with you to find a solution that will help you participate in the event.



