AIIC Explained

The International Association of Conference Interpreters (AIIC) is the only global association of conference interpreters, with over 3,200 members from every continent.

AIIC has developed standards and working conditions that ensure quality of service when working with interpreters.

AIIC membership provides recognition, networking, representation and an opportunity to shape globally acknowledged standards for interpreters wishing to join.

AIIC provides guidance for interpreter trainers or those receiving training themselves as well as supporting research.

AIIC advocates for all conference interpreters and the profession as a whole.


AIIC serves interpreters and the conference industry by:

  • Helping conference organisers find professional interpreters through our online directories of members and vetted consultant interpreters.
  • Seeking to define and foster recognition of the profession of conference interpreter.
  • Promoting good training practices through our best practice recommendations for interpreting schools and our schools’ directory.
  • Promoting life-long learning by organising training courses for professional interpreters and trainers.
  • Advising young people interested in interpreting and those starting out in the profession.
  • Listening to users of interpretation services and carrying out detailed studies of their expectations.
  • Catering to the needs of the conference industry through our private market sector, which provides expert input for the organisation of conferences and promotes the role of the consultant interpreter.
  • Communicating with the interpreting community at conferences and through our website and multiple communication channels.
  • Promoting the use of languages in a multilingual world through our projects and our links with international bodies.

AIIC promotes professional excellence and good working conditions by:

  • Supporting ongoing research on how to optimise conditions for quality interpreting.
  • Defining standards for the provision of interpreting services and fixed and mobile interpreting booths in cooperation with the International Standards Organisation (ISO), including our current work on developing standards for RSI.
  • Offering advice to planners and architects of new conference centres.
  • Researching the correlation between working conditions and interpreter performance with a specialist in occupational medicine.
  • Monitoring developments in new technologies and reacting appropriately to the challenges and opportunities they represent.

AIIC represents the interests of all interpreters by: