Staff interpreters

Bringing together interpreters with ongoing employment

─── Who we are

AIIC’s Staff Interpreters Committee (often referred to as CdP, ‘Commission des Permanents’) brings together interpreters employed on a permanent or ongoing basis by international organisations or national governments. The Committee is a platform for sharing information on recent developments in members’ organisations and for exchanging best practice.

The CdP engages staff interpreters in cutting-edge issues common to all AIIC interpreters, such as distance interpreting, quality of communication at meetings, stress management in the workplace and interpreter health and well-being.

Staffers are in a unique position to explain AIIC core values – ethics, integrity, professionalism, quality – to their respective organisations and to promote constructive dialogue between these organisations and freelancers.

─── How we work

The CdP holds regular in-person meetings and is also convened online on an ad-hoc basis. In any one term, two dedicated in-person meetings and one gathering on the margins of the Assembly usually take place. Ongoing discussions tend to be held electronically.

─── More about us

Staff interpreters are salaried employees with regular income. Our rich and varied work is as diverse as the organisations represented on the Committee and in the list of major employers. These include international and regional organisations, international and national criminal courts and tribunals as well as national organisations and institutions, among others governmental ministries, parliaments, the armed forces, and non-profit and for-profit entities.

The career paths of staff interpreters also vary widely. Some join their organisations early in their careers, while others do not pursue a permanent position until later in life. Some staff interpreters spend their entire careers with one organisation, while others may work for a number of years at one institution and then change employers for professional or personal reasons or decide to continue their careers as freelancers. While many staff interpreters are employed full-time, some choose to work part-time and concurrently pursue freelance work. Some positions include other responsibilities, such as translation or managing interpreting services.

AIIC regularly publishes vacancies for staff interpreter positions in its list of job announcements. Profiles of organisations provide an introduction to the institutions represented on the CdP and provide background information for those colleagues interested in working for these employers.

Photo: Vladstudioraw / iStockphoto